Friday, October 14, 2011

Buy silver, buy gold, buy food storage, buy emergency preparedness items, buy land, buy stock in good companies, start a home business.

The FED prints money out of thin air, loans it to the US Gov't  and CHARGES INTEREST on this imaginary money, STEALING from you and me via inflation and taxes.

In order to pay the interest to the Federal Reserve Bank on the imaginary money that they created out of thin air, our taxes go up and prices on the food, gas, clothing and all the other things that we HAVE TO BUY rise. This is stealing via inflation.

Solution: Trade in your paper money and the imaginary money in your bank accounts and retirement accounts to get real money:  silver, gold, food packed for storagereal estate, profitable company stock ownership.

Some people have figured out how to earn 20 percent within an existing IRA or 401k.  Email

For a starter, get a few silver rounds today at

Get some food packed for storage at

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